KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

100 Days of Theological Clerihews
Day 1: Saint Augustine of Hippo

It appears I have slacked off posting of late. Life gets busy, and the blog is not high on the priority list. However, I'm going to try to get back into blogging regularly, and in order to do that I've chosen a project that won't take massive amounts of daily time. I'm going to try to spend 100 days writing clerihews about theologians throughout history. "What is a clerihew?" you ask. Click here to find out.

It's only appropriate to start with the man Thomas Aquinas called "The Theologian": Saint Augustine of Hippo. (For the record, I'm not sure if the nomenclature of "The Theologian" means that Augustine was a Time Lord.) Anyway, here goes...
Augustine of Hippo

Aurelius Augustine,
Whom God did predestine,
Wept in despair
Over stealing a pear.
