KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

Open Communication

John Bunyan once said, “Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer.” Sin makes us want to hide from God. We stop praying to Him, and like Adam and Eve, we put on our fig leaves and hide.
Sin also divides friends and family members. When there is unresolved sin in a relationship, the lines of communication are closed off. You can’t look someone in the eye and pretend all is well, when you know good and well that it isn’t.

The solution, in both these cases, is to confess and repent. When you confess and repent to God you find that you can pray again. When you confess and repent to your children, parents, or siblings the lines of communication are opened. This is the one and only way to have restored fellowship and peace with God and man.
