KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

Love Builds Up


Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone of the Church. The subsequent foundation of the Church is the apostles and prophets. And in Christ, we are being built up into a holy Temple to the Lord. But the thing that builds us up together, the mortar that holds all the pieces together is love. Love builds up. Our love for God and our love for one another form the vertical and horizontal supports of this temple which we make up. 

Most important, however, is God’s love for us. We don’t hold ourselves together. We don’t keep ourselves secure. We don’t make ourselves strong. Rather, God’s love for us sustains us, strengthens us, and secures us for all eternity. And at the Lord’s table as we take communion we are reminded of His love for us that makes us faithful to Him and to one another.
