KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

Unity Realized

 We are one in Christ and in His church. That is an objective reality that is true quite apart from how we feel about it. It’s true because of the Holy Spirit’s presence in and among us.

But apart from that objective unity we have in the Spirit, our subjective experience of that unity can be threatened. Believers can fall out with one another and break that unity to which they are called. And this is one of the things the Lord’s Supper helps us with. Fathers, you don't want bad attitudes at the dinner table, and you don't want your kids arguing and squabbling with each other there. This is true of our heavenly Father as well. He calls you to this table as his children for a family meal. And He has called you to peace and unity with one another. No stinky attitudes allowed at the Lord’s Table. So if you have something against one of your brothers or sisters here, fix that in your heart right now so that you can come joyfully to the table and share in the unity of this family meal.
