KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

Short Accounts

 Psalm 66 says “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.”

 Dear saints, if you have true faith in Christ, then all your sins are forgiven and cleansed by his blood. But even forgiven saints can still distance themselves from God by regarding iniquity in hearts heart. And if you are the sort of person who cherishes and nurtures a pet sin long enough, it may become clear over time that you are not a forgiven saint with true faith in Christ. How do you make sure that you avoid that terrible possibility?

You do it by keeping short accounts with God. When you sin, because you
do sin, repent quickly, truly, and completely, praying for forgiveness, and by doing that you will also stay in close fellowship with your Father in heaven. We take time at the beginning of our service to corporately pray for forgiveness so that God will hear our prayers as we seek to draw near to Him in worship. Now is the time if you have unconfessed sin to cast yourself on the mercy of Christ and be restored to fellowship with your Father in heaven.
