KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

Purity in Thought and Deed

As sinful humans, we all have a tendency toward being a Pharisee. It’s tempting to make holiness and obedience to God a matter of outward action only. At least I’m not breaking any of God’s commandments in deed. At least it doesn’t look like I am. If the light is dim enough. And my reading glasses are off. When looking at God’s law. When we make obedience a matter of checking off boxes on a list, we’re really good at finding the loopholes in the rules.

But the Bible teaches us that the word of God discerns the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Jesus says that lust in the heart breaks the commandment against adultery, and ungodly anger in the heart breaks the commandment against murder. This has always been the case. The sacrifices God desires are a broken and contrite heart. God has never been interested in having a people made up of whitewashed tombs clean on the outside, but corrupt on the inside. So when you come before God to confess your sins, don’t play games. Don’t justify yourself on the basis that you didn’t exactly break the letter of the law. Pursue purity in both thought and deed as you live in God’s presence day by day.
