KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

One in Christ

The one loaf here represents the one body of Christ. You see one loaf. You hear the words “The body of Christ given for you.” You should recognize in these words and in this bread, Jesus who gave Himself for you, but also should recognize yourself as the body of Christ. When a spirit of competition arises among members in the church due to bitterness or envy, the harm inflicted is self harm. In having harsh thoughts toward one another, you’re not harming someone other than yourself. You’re harming another part of the body of which you yourself are a part.

So be at peace with one another. Sit at this table and partake of what Augustine called, “the sacrament of yourselves.” Because there is one loaf, we, though we are many, are one body.' And we are one because we are all united in Christ by the Holy Spirit.
