KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

God's Goodness

The Psalmist tells us to praise the Lord for the Lord is good. When we hear about the goodness of God, it’s easy to think of His goodness as a cold and austere perfection. God is good, which means that He is perfect, sinless, the standard, in fact, of all that is right and true. But that doesn’t necessarily comfort us, for we know how far we fall short of that perfect standard.

While all this is true, the Bible doesn’t speak of God’s goodness as an abstract idea. When Scripture says that God is good, it almost always goes on to tell of the ways in which He has delivered His people from their troubles and from their enemies. God’s goodness doesn’t place him far away from us beyond our reach. God’s goodness is precisely what causes Him to stoop to save us. It is because God is good that He sent His son Jesus into the world to die for your sins so that you could be delivered and drawn near to Him. He is supremely kind, supremely benevolent to you, and supremely ready to forgive you through the blood of Jesus Christ.
