KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

Eating in Heaven

Welcome to heaven. All of human history is moving toward a wedding feast, the wedding feast of God’s Son and His bride. On that final eternal sabbath day, heaven will descend to earth and the new heavens and new earth will be complete.

As Christians we long for that day when the creation will be delivered from bondage into the glorious liberty of the children of God. But we don’t have to wait for that day to taste of its goodness. You have been sealed by the promise of the Holy Spirit, who is the down payment of your full redemption. You have been raised up in Christ to be seated in the heavenly places. And here at this table, we, the Bride of Christ, united by His Spirit, get a little taste of heaven as we partake of Christ the bridegroom in this foretaste of the glorious wedding feast at the last day.

So again, welcome to heaven. Christ invites you to eat.
