KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

Children's Children

Malachi 2:15 says, “Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring.”

Every human marriage is a picture of Christ’s relationship to His bride, the church. And it is either a true picture or a false picture. But where do we look to see the example we should imitate? One place we look here at the table. The apostle Paul says the Jerusalem above is free and we are her children. Jesus is perfectly faithful to his bride, the church, the new Jerusalem, and we are here as children like olive plants around the table. And as you look around at our individual families here, you can also see many examples of generational faithfulness, of children’s children seeking the Lord. Christ is truly the blessed one, and we find peace here at His table.
