KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

The Structure of Heavenly Worship

"What kind of worship is modeled for us in heaven? There are all kinds of liturgical lessons to be learned here. I only wish to highlight one aspect: the heavenly service is liturgical and formal. According to Revelation 4-5, heavenly worship is a formal, coordinated activity. There are cooperative, formal responses by groups of worshipers. Everybody responds together with the same words. There are no individual displays of spirituality. Angels, elders, and creatures respond antiphonally with responses that must have been learned. They have been trained. There is a pre-arranged form to the worship. They have rehearsed this event, and they are dressed accordingly (Rev. 4:4). In other words, heavenly, Spirit-guided worship is liturgical and formal (1 Cor. 14:26—33). There is more than a little bit of irony in the fact that American Christians love the formality of weddings, but want informal cheeky weekly worship services. It seems we want to honor our sons and daughters with a beautiful service, but when it comes to the foretaste of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and the honor of the Bride of Christ we have little interest."

-from The Lord's Service by Jeff Meyers
