It’s fair to say that I read a good number of books children’s
books. Having kids of my own, I like to pilfer their shelves from time to time.
In our house, we like to stock “the classics” as a sort of quality guarantee. Since
children’s books became a genre there have been writers who have tried to cash
in on the children’s market as a way to make a quick buck with little effort.
Reading “the classics” means that you get the best books from every era without
having to wade through the formulaic twaddle, most of which has mercifully been
forgotten over the years.
It’s a different story with modern children’s books. Picking
up a new children’s book means taking a chance on wasting your time, and the
modern children’s book publishing machine loves tried and true formulas. After
the success of Harry Potter we got books about schools for
magical/mythological/specially talented kids who are sorted into groups based
on their personalities. After The Hunger Games took off, we’ve have had
more teen dystopia books than Big Brother had cameras.
This all goes to show why, ranting aside, it’s such a
pleasant surprise to find a children’s book that is doing its own thing, a book
that has its own story to tell and doesn’t try to squish into a pre-made mold. Thisby
Thestoop and the Black Mountain is such a book. It has a premise that has
probably occurred to many RPG gamers over the years. Why are all these different
creatures living down in the dungeon? How do they eat anyway (being in a
dungeon and all)? What keeps them from all killing each other before the
adventurer arrives. Why are there jewels and treasures lying around everywhere?
The answer this book gives is Thisby. Thisby lives in the Black Mountain in the
Land of Nth and works as the gamekeeper. She feeds the creatures, cleans their
dens, and makes sure that the dungeon is kept ready for if a foolhardy
adventurer happens to wander in.
Thisby is good at what she does, but not because she has any
secret powers or magic. No, like the great naturalists of the past, Thisby
keeps good notes and has a keen mind for detail. She knows all the quirks of
all the creatures in the dungeon because she has observed each one and recorded
her observations. When a royal visit goes awry and Thisby finds herself trapped
in the dungeon with Princess Iphigenia, the two uncover a plot that could
endanger all the creatures in the dungeon (and the entire Land of Nth as well).
Thisby Thestoop
is a book with a lot of heart. Thisby is kind, resourceful, and brave. She’s
certainly not a conventional hero, but she knows herself and doesn’t long for
much beyond her circumstances. Except maybe a human friend. The book has a
wonderful collection of supporting characters, including Thisby’s talking luminescent
slime friend who she keeps in a jar and uses as a lantern. The plot is not
always completely surprising; there were a few twists I saw coming from a long way
off. However, it is unique, well-written, and fun. This book caught me by
surprise and it was a delight to read. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out
for the next book in the series.