Well, it's G. K. Chesterton's 140th Birthday, and also the day known in the Davis household as "Chesterton Day". For those who don't know, Chesterton was an artist, journalist, amateur theologian, poet, philosopher, playwright, and apologist. He wore a cape, carried a sword-cane, and kept a bar of chocolate in his pocket at all times. He was known for often sitting down in the middle of the sidewalk in London to draw pictures with chalk, dictating entire books with no revision or proofreading, and showing up two hours late for his own wedding: he explained to his wife that he had needed to stop on the way to the church to buy a pistol so that he could defend her from pirates on their honeymoon in Norfolk. He carried on lively public debates with atheists like George Bernard Shaw, Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, and even Clarence Darrow (of "Scopes Monkey Trial" fame).
In honor of the big man's b-day, I picked a couple of great quotes from him for you to chew on for a bit. Enjoy!
"To smatter the tongues of men and angels, to dabble in the dreadful sciences, to juggle with pillars and pyramids and toss up the planets like balls, this is that inner audacity and indifference which the human soul, like a conjurer catching oranges, must keep up forever. This is that insanely frivolous thing we call sanity... if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly."
-from What's Wrong With the World
(A note on the above quote: In context, Chesterton is talking about mothers and why mothers need to have a broad, liberal arts education. It's a defense of the generalist over and against the specialist, of the amateur over the professional. Go ahead and
read the whole essay. It's short.)
"Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously. The latest fads of culture, the latest sophistries of anarchism will carry us away if we are uneducated; we shall not know how very old are all new ideas...The uneducated man will always care too much for complications, novelties, the fashion, the latest thing. The uneducated man will always be an intellectual dandy."
-from The Illustrated London News, Dec. 2, 1905