Do Not Disavow

Do Not Disavow By: Rick Davis   When Charlemagne established law Salic in barb’rous land, The gospel flourished, and he saw Christ’s praise on every hand.   (“Do you approve his methods now?”) I do not disavow.   King Godfrey took Jerusalem From bloody paynim hands And brought a halt to Musselmen Invading Christian lands.   (“He did some mean things anyhow!”) I do not disavow.   King Richard with his scarlet shield And passant lions ‘bossed Rode forth again unto the field To regain what was lost.   (“His deeds at Acre you allow?”) I do not disavow.   Unto the Germans Luther brought The gospel full restored, And Calvin at Geneva taught The glory of the Lord.   (“The Jews? Servetus? Holy cow!”) I do not disavow.   Stonewall and Lee like knights of old Fought for their native soil, The true and lovely to uphold Against the tyrant’s spoil.   (“Those vile racists ...

Favorite Easter Songs

People just don't celebrate Easter big enough these days. The Resurrection of Christ is the central event of the entire Christian faith, and should be celebrated both in our weekly Resurrection Day celebrations as well as our annual feast. Being now in the season of Eastertide, I thought it would be appropriate to share my Top 5 Favorite Easter Songs:

1. That Easter Day with Joy was Bright
Words: Latin Hymn 4th or 5th Century
John Mason Neale, trans.
Music: Erschienen Ist by Nikolaus Herman 1560
(This song, with This music)

2. Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands
Words: Martin Luther, 1524
Richard Massie, trans.
Music: Christ Lag in Todesbanden, J.S. Bach (Adapted from a tune from the 1100s)

3. Christ The Lord is Risen Today
Words: Charles Wesley, 1739
Music: Easter Hymn, 1708

4. Low in the Grave He Lay
Words and Music: Robert Lowry, 1874

5. He’s Alive!
Words and Music: Don Francisco, 1980
(Seriously though, Dolly Parton's rendition of this song is the best.)


Erica said…
You forgot "Christos Anesti" ;-D
Rick Davis said…
Then what would I have done with Dolly Parton?
Erica said…
Make her sing it! ;-D