Do Not Disavow

Do Not Disavow By: Rick Davis   When Charlemagne established law Salic in barb’rous land, The gospel flourished, and he saw Christ’s praise on every hand.   (“Do you approve his methods now?”) I do not disavow.   King Godfrey took Jerusalem From bloody paynim hands And brought a halt to Musselmen Invading Christian lands.   (“He did some mean things anyhow!”) I do not disavow.   King Richard with his scarlet shield And passant lions ‘bossed Rode forth again unto the field To regain what was lost.   (“His deeds at Acre you allow?”) I do not disavow.   Unto the Germans Luther brought The gospel full restored, And Calvin at Geneva taught The glory of the Lord.   (“The Jews? Servetus? Holy cow!”) I do not disavow.   Stonewall and Lee like knights of old Fought for their native soil, The true and lovely to uphold Against the tyrant’s spoil.   (“Those vile racists ...

Why I Can Never be Roman Catholic

A while back, I was writing a series of posts on why I don't convert to Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy. That series died out as I was (a) strapped for time, and (b) bored with writing it. However, I was reminded this Saturday 0f the main reason I could never join the Roman Catholic Church.

On Saturday, we went to a booksale at the local Catholic Church. Our kids must have been all kinds of cute there because the three ladies running the sale kept talking to them. As we were checking out and getting ready to leave, one of the ladies offered our kids some pretzels and then asked them their names.

"Luther," said Luther.

At this, all three of the old catholic ladies exlaimed, "Luther!" with the surprise one might find at learning that the very nice gentleman one had been taking tea with was wanted by the police. Then one of them sweetly said, "My, that's an interesting name."


Anonymous said…
So You can't be Catholic cuz You've named Your child Luther... wow!
Anonymous said…
Yes, he'd have to change his child's name to Erasmus.