KC Podcast - Episode 117: Passing the Baton

Deeper Magic

Yes, we gave up meats and sweets for Lent...

But there are some things on earth that partake of a deeper magic than Lent, rituals that are woven into the very fabric of the world. To disobey these mandates would be to set the whole of creation to naught. Hot Chocolate after playing in the snow is one such thing...


Anonymous said…
not its not
Rick Davis said…
Though I would not break a vow lightly, yet as I did not clearly define or verbalize my vow, I felt free to fudge it for for things that are most holy and sacred. Hot chocolate after playing in the snow was one. Just today I "broke" it once again to have a tea party with my kids, a thanksgiving as simple and sacred as all the rituals in all the world. :)

Man was not made for fasting, but fasting for man.
Anonymous said…
You killed my comment.